We love this old/new trend! This small accessorie is becoming a dominate one. The "veil" has many definitions and it's almost exclusively worn by women. Back in the day it was part of a hat or bonnet worn at times of mourning to hide emotions. The wedding veil was worn for a couple of reasons. Different cultures had different ideas. It was worn either to symbolise the brides purity, or to protect her from evil spirits.

Today it's all about style!
The birdcage in particular is glamorous and draws attention to the face. It's accented with Flowers, feathers or even sparkles. Our brides love the look with our gowns and the demand has been overwhelming. That's the reason we decided to introduce Anglo Trousseau.

So here is a small taste of our Anglo Trousseau line coming up!

A big thanks to my partners in crime Carrie with Carrie Wildes photogarphy and Holly with Collective creations.
i LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!! super cute, congrats vicky!!!