Sunday, February 28, 2010

The love of my life!!

We moved to Florida five years ago. Our plans were to have fun and enjoy the sun since we have been living in blizzard conditions for 9 years. Although I love the culture and beauty of historic Boston, the Florida weather made me love our move. As we settled in our home and started to get familiar with the area, I got really sick and had to go to the emergency room. While I thought I was dying, the nurse looked at me and said " Honey!! Congratulations you are pregnant". I was in shock, as a planner in life this was not in my book. However we got really excited. Started planning a nursery and our family giving us a huge baby shower back in Boston. The time for the baby was almost here.

When George arrived it was truly the happiest moment in my life. He was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. It was love at first sight!

This was nearly 3 years ago and I can't believe how our lives have changed. He teaches me something everyday and I feel like my life would not be complete with out him. From his first steps to his first words and using the potty. I get so excited. Even if I'm having the worst day he puts a smile in my face. If I feel sick he kisses my boo boo and asks "you feel better mommy."
And although, I can't take some stains of the carpet and that my manicures only last a day. I wouldn't change it for the world.

To the best surprise and love of my life, Happy 3rd Birthday Georgie, love mommy.

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